Our Vision

At Earthtopia, our mission is to leverage the power of the art community to fight climate change by supporting charitable organizations that are making the most difference.

Few would argue that climate change is not an imminent threat, and scientists agree that we have the tools and technology we need to mitigate and even reverse its impact.

Still, we’ve all heard stories of organizations that receive millions in donations but funnel very little of their money into effective action. Though many want to contribute, determining which climate justice organizations make the biggest impact can be overwhelming.

At Earthtopia, we make it easy to make a difference. We combed throughCharityNavigator and GuideStar to compile a list of charities that the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) ranks highest in efficacy and transparency.
We envision a world where creatives are empowered to care for the Earth, each other, and everyone who calls our planet home.

Simply put, our mission is Earthtopian.